Yesterday I shared my trees with you today I thought I would share my snowmen. I have always loved snowmen and have plenty on my tree unfortunately I could never post pictures of all of them. So I'm going to share some I have on display.

This little guy greets you as you come in through the back door. He is my skiing snowman that spring makes him rock back and forth.
This was an ornament but I like it hanging in my kitchen window. It's actually a very small muffin pan.
Here is one of my favorites. I bought him from a craft show. He sits in my chair and sometimes he shares the chair with a cat or two. :)
Now here is Tommy and Tina they greet you on the steps in our foyer as you walk in the front door. Tommy has a sensor in his hat and talks but we didn't put batteries in him this year. Everytime the cats walk by him he would say Welcome come inside it sure is cold outside. Which is ok when you are awake but not in the middle of the night.
My Mom bought my sister a set of these a few years back and I fell in-love with them. So the next year for Christmas I got a set.
This is my fiber optic snowman. I had one and it broke so when my Nanny passed away I inherited hers which makes him twice as special!
This little guy is in my living room on an end table. He is carrying a sign that says let it snow. I wish would snow here and stop raining!
This little guy was a Christmas gift from a friend.
These are our Christmas stockings. I want to get some new ones that look more prim.
Here is a bigger snowman I got from a craft show. He sits on a milk can on our hearth.
The skiing snowman, Tommy and Tina, the snowman with the let it snow sign and the fiberoptic snowman all came from Avon. They have really cute Christmas items. My friend Donna will like me mentioning that since she sells Avon. :) I hope to be back agan tomorrow with the rest of my Christmas decor. Thanks for stopping by.